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What are the benefits of potassium humate?


Potassium humate is a kind of natural mineral specific zinc element fertilizer, which contains various nutrients such as nutrients, rare elements, plant naphthalene acetic acid, virus infection retarder, etc. The production of various pathological diseases and insect pests caused by the lack of elements in bananas and apples makes bananas and apples more abundant, the color of tea leaves is denser, and the lodging resistance is stronger. Potassium fulvic acid can improve soil colloid and can immediately It can completely replace the same content of ammonium sulfate or potassium chloride and potassium magnesium sulfate, and can reasonably promote a variety of vegetables and fruits. The physiological metabolism of bananas and apples of street farmers promotes the development of rhizomes, lush leaves and stems, and is pure natural and environmentally friendly.

1. Loosen the soil, activate the agglomerated soil, improve the soil's ability to lock water and soil, adjust the PH value, reduce the excessive content of heavy metals in the soil, and reduce the damage of salt ions to seeds and seedlings.

2. Nitrogen fixation, phosphorus solution, active potassium. It is especially significant for improving the quality and efficiency of potassium fertilizers. It has the effects of increasing roots and vigorous seedlings, resisting repeated cropping, disease resistance, and improving the quality of bananas and apples.

3. Strengthen the adhesion of plant rhizomes and rapid digestion and absorption capacity, which has a significant practical effect on physiological diseases caused by lack of nutrients.

4. It has obvious effect of cold resistance and drought resistance. The principle of potassium fulvic acid drought resistance and cold resistance is: First, it stimulates the activity of plant body enzymes. According to its adjustment, the somatic cells of the plant body can catalyze the reaction to speed up the digestion and absorption of water and nutrients. , and reduce leaf water potential, increase plasma osmotic pressure and other metabolic themed activities, in order to stimulate the main stem to integrate into the drought and cold survival conditions. Water capacity, close the leaf vents or reduce the opening degree to reduce water evaporation.

5. Improve the digestion and absorption characteristics of plants. The relative molecular weight of potassium humate is small, and its high biological activity has permeability to the natural barrier of plant cytoplasm. According to its adsorption, transmission, shipment, railway bridge, retardation, activity, etc. A variety of functions, so that plant cells can digest and absorb a large amount of water and nutrients that could not be obtained before, and also transport the nutrients such as sugar, protein, sugar and other nutrients accumulated by plant photosynthesis to the fruit position to improve the quality. ,Improve efficiency.

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