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What are the functions and functions of potassium humate?


Potassium humate is a kind of high-efficiency organic potassium fertilizer. Since the humic acid in it is a kind of biologically active product, it can improve the potent potassium content of the soil layer, reduce the loss and stability of potassium, and improve the digestion and absorption of potassium by crops. The utilization rate also has the functions of improving the soil layer, promoting the growth and development of crops, enhancing the level of crop resistance, improving the quality of crops, and ensuring the environmental protection of modern agriculture; it can be mixed with urea, phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer, and microelements. High-efficiency multi-purpose compound fertilizer; in addition, potassium humate can also be used as a modifier of petroleum drilling fluids, and the key is to avoid the effect of well wall collapse.

Potassium humate enterprise products are non-toxic and tasteless, and are black pure natural organic material powder. It is soluble in water and is a kind of organic compound rich in large quantities of intricate functional groups. Its slow effect is the crown of all organic solid fertilizers. It has relatively strong adsorption, exchange, complexation and chelation levels. It is the best index of fertilizer efficiency. It is also known as green ecological fertilizer. Phosphorus and potassium organic fertilizers. It can also ensure the large quantities, medium quantities, microelements, and organic substances required by various plants, including humic acid, fulvic, humic amino acids, sugars, etc. Organic substances are compounded High-quality potash and organic matter raw materials in fertilizer production and processing.


 Potassium humate manufacturersTell you the role and efficacy of potassium humate:

1. It can improve the physical characteristics of the soil layer, improve the aggregate structure of the soil layer, reduce the compactness of the soil layer, and achieve better phenomena;

2. Improve the cation exchange level and fertility retention level of the soil layer to absorb and exchange plant nutrients, improve the slow effect of chemical fertilizers, and improve the fertility and moisture retention level of the soil layer;

3, to ensure that the soil layer is conducive to the action of micro-organisms;

4. Promote the dissolution of man-made (such as pesticides) or natural toxin chemicals and their effects;

5. Improve the buffer level of the soil layer and neutralize the PH of the soil layer;

6, the color black is conducive to the endothermic reaction and early spring planting;

7. It can directly interfere with the metabolic function of cells, improve the normal respiration of crops and plant photosynthesis, and improve the stress resistance level of crops, such as drought resistance, cold resistance, disease resistance, etc.;

8. After dissolving, the micro elements needed by plants are released;

9. Strong root and high yield, improve crop quality and increase sugar content of fruits and vegetables. Instructions for use a, can be used as top dressing, base fertilizer, strip application, spread application, hole application; b, can be sprayed on the ground and leaf surface (0.10.2% solution); c, mainly used for fruit trees, tea, citrus, grapes, strawberries, all kinds of trees, flower trees, melons, vegetables, rice and other crops; d, irrigated 500 times aqueous solution at the root; sprayed 1000 times aqueous solution on the leaf surface , it can be moistened; e, fertilization amount per mu: 20-25kg.

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