With the development of the social economy and the continuous progress of high-tech, various types of chemical products have been gradually developed and manufactured by products. Obviously. However, at the beginning of the promotion of new products, many people do not understand the specific role of the company's products, so they usually show conflict. Sodium humate is one of the most iconic products of the company. So, what exactly is it? What is sodium humate? What exactly does it do?
according toSodium humateProfessionals in the production and manufacturing of enterprise products emphasized that from the in-depth analysis of chemical structure, sodium humate compounds are biological macromolecular aromatic compounds containing various functional groups such as phenolic hydroxyl group, carboxyl group, alcoholic hydroxyl group, etc. The main elements are C, H, O, N and S. Humic acid in practical sense is a theoretical definition, its inner content is equivalent to humus, the main content includes green plant residues with lignin fiber structure, saprophytic fungi and bacteria and other small microbial metabolism products, different layers Degree of decay and aggregation of organic compounds.
Sodium humate contains lignocellulose-soluble polymers with high molecular formula and organic compounds such as polysaccharides, polypeptides, fatty acids, etc. From the definition of a small range, humic acid compounds can be classified as humic acid according to their different solubility. Acid, fulvic acid and humin are three major categories. Among them, the part that dissolves alkali is called humic acid (black humic acid), and the part that dissolves ethanol or acetone is brown humic acid (gima domeronic acid), Only the water-dissolved part is straw-yellow, which is fulvic acid (fulvic acid).
There are still objections to the chemical structure of sodium humate. This view points out that the organic compounds of aromatic structure are dominant, and the other view points out that organic compounds of aliphatic structure are dominant. The reasons for the sensation are various, Such as the source of humic acid, extraction methods, purification and statistical analysis methods and many other elements.
For example, some people extract sodium humate from 3 kinds of organic compounds, peat, lignite, and weathered coal. The results of testing its composition and performance show that the degree of oxidation and aromaticity of humic acid is higher in lignite, followed by weathered coal. Humic acid, finally peat humic acid; weathered coal fulvic acid has higher oxidation degree and aromaticity, followed by lignite fulvic acid and peat fulvic acid. The utilization rate of weathered coal humic acid is higher, followed by lignite Sensitive acid, peat humic acid. A more precise and comprehensive definition should be: Sodium humate is a combination of macromolecular organic compounds with a heterogeneous structure.
Due to the diversity of the structure of sodium humate, there are still objections to the solubility of sodium humate. According to professional research, only a small part of sodium humate is degradable, and most of them have microbial inhibitory groups. The in-depth scientific research of Huang Tinglin et al. emphasized that sodium humate has a corresponding degradable function, and its rate is usually slow only due to the interference of various elements of the reactor.
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